Possibility can be PCOS???

I am 17 years old. For the past couple of years I have been having irregular menstrual cycles. I get my period like 4 times a year. I never know when i'm going to get my period, it just surprises me. I get cramps here and there when I am not even on my period or even about to have it. I told the doctors about my cycles and they always told me to let it regulate. The last time I went they wrote me a refferal to go to the Gynecologist, since it's not regulating. I am very nervous to go to the Gynecologist, I have never been to one. The doctors told me how I should go soon to make sure everything is ok down there, make sure I can have kids and all. When the doctor mentioned that, I got so so worried...I have a lot of unwanted hair growth. It makes me very insecure. I am constantly nairing and shaving. I have a lot of hair on places on my body that I don't think I should have nearly as much...I know my older sister has PCOS, do I have a possibility of having it?