I don't know if I should call it quite with the breaatfeeding, pump, pump&formula, or just formula!

So I am 8 weeks pp. from day 1 I have had trouble breastfeeding. Baby girls latch sucks, I have inverted nipples and baby has a small tongue tie. Iv seen the lactation consultant a few times and she's just not really sure what's going on, Iv used nipple shields and tried different positions. Breastfeeding has never not been excruciatingly painful for me and this past week Iv had to pump because I got thrush so that on top of my sore cracked nipples was just something else. Exclusively pumping is becoming draining, having to bottle feed my baby, plus pump, plus ensure all my pump parts and. Titles are clean for the next go not to mention my flanges aren't the right size despite the consultant measuring me and saying they are the right size. Right now I'm pumping every 2-3 hours and have no idea what I will do if I need to be gone out of the house longer than that time. I feel myself just slipping into a depression, I don't feel myself and in all honesty want to just quit breastfeeding cold
Turkey and give formula but that's for my own selfish reasons when I have a good supply. Idk what to do!