So disappointed


My partner and I are in a moderate distance relationship. I have PCOS and am treating with metformin and pregnitude. We've had two failed iuis. By some miracle I managed to ovulate on my own a few months ago. I ended up MCing two months ago, and yesterday I ovulated again.

This morning before I had to drive him to work felt like the right time to get to it. So, we fooled around and he ended up finishing before he even got inside me. I immediately burst into tears.

I ended up hanging out at his place while he was at work so we could try again. It was so much pressure he couldn't finish. I had to come home and go to work myself.

We completely blew our chance this month. It's been more than 24h since the pains started and I won't see him again until Friday.

I know he didn't do it on purpose. He wants this as much as I do. He was extra cuddly and apologetic today before I left. But, I'm majorly disappointed. And a little heartbroken. I don't know if I'll ovulate on my own again. I think I'd be more mad at him if he didn't look like a kicked puppy after it happened.

I just had to let it out so that I'm not harping on this subject TO him. He's such an optimist and I'm not. He says we have all the time in the world to keep trying and that it'll happen. Dammit, I want it to happen now!