Baby daddy drama 😢 it's long but please read....


So I met who I thought was the love of my life when I was very young. I was 15 and he was 17. I ended up pregnant at 16 and we had a beautiful baby boy. We made it about a year before we broke up. Anyway, we've managed to somewhat "successfully" co-parent for the last 7 years or so. He is still very immature. He doesn't pay his child support on time (or at all sometimes) and sort of does what he wants. He never asks for extra time with our son and never really has made an effort to be anything but a mediocre father to our son. I've always been accepting of that and tried to be the best parent that I can be. I've always felt that I can't force someone to be what they don't want to be.

So now time has gone on and I've remarried an amazing man that I love so much. We had our one year anniversary in September of this year and we just welcomed a baby boy in September. The one huge thing that him and I fight over is my son's father. He thinks that I should confront him on all of these issues. Like the child support, seeing his son more, and just being more involved in general. He doesn't understand that I've tried all of these things and all I get are hurtful words and more hard feelings... so when he sees or hears me having a regular conversation with him like nothing is wrong he freaks out and it's always a huge blow up. I would personally rather just let it go and let karma sort the whole thing out. We've gotten to the point where my husband is ready to divorce over the issue and I am so sad. He gets so angry if he even sees that I've been texting my ex. Even though all I ever talk to him about is my son. He would like my to be more confrontational and I just don't have the energy. He says that I appease my ex and make it easy on him. I honestly make it easy on myself... I'd rather not fight. Please help me. I can't imagine losing my husband. I'm not sure how to fix the problem... am I in the wrong? Should I be harder on my ex?