Best friend vs boyfriend


Me and my ex have been back together for 3 weeks, and honestly I've been happier in those three weeks then I've ever been. As soon as my best friend found out we were back together she had a fit! She doesn't like him because of how thongs ended between him and me then first time. Pretty much told me it was her or him. I told her I wasn't going to choose, that I loved them both. Begged her to just be happy for me. She finally agreed.

Flash forward to thursday. I texted my best friend for TWO DAYS about her wedding rehearsal ( I was supposed to be the maid of honor) I forgot when and where it was located. I didn't hear from her till Friday night, the night of the rehearsal. I get these texts basically telling me I've been a horrible friend etc etc. Now shes all over fb talking bad about me and mg guy......ibhavemt bad mouthed her once and honestly hoped we could work it out...idk what to do y'all any advice would be appreciate.