Delivery room

I don't want anyone in my room expect my husband when I deliver our baby! While I am laboring I want my daughter in there but my husbands mom has to be in there to help with watching her while I'm going in and out of laboring. So she isn't uncomfortable. But I will not allow my MIL to just be in there whenever because I don't want everyone & there uncle sort of speak in there after I have given birth. I want a smooth delivery process. I don't want a lot of people in my face after the baby is here either, my hospital offers two hours to the family by themselves then visitors can follow in after. How ever I do not want my SIL's boyfriend in there, along with my own certain family members that I don't talk too in there. My husband says I'm being mean & that's a battle he will have to fight over his sister & parents that he didn't want to deal with. I said well we can make it simple & not allow anyone there to see us til the baby is home & he got upset & said that's just extreme. I guess my thing is I don't want anyone to see me not cleaned up or dressed in modest clothes especially people I don't care for like the SIL or her boy friend. I don't like them. So anyone else have this issue?