It's been a hard pregnancy..

This pregnancy has been so hard physically and emotionally. I've had problems since the beginning and I found out about a week ago I'm measuring 5 weeks bigger than I should be for fundal height. (I'm not a very big person, so I know that's not the problem). like I've posted before I also have a bad gallbladder (found out about 2 weeks ago) and on top of that I had to do my 3 hour glucose test Monday because I may have gestational diabetes. (I should get the results back tomorrow). Since I found out about the bad gallbladder I've literally only been able to eat grilled chicken, plain baked potatoes, wheat bread, turkey lunch meat and fruit. If I eat literally anything else I have to be in excruciating pain for about 2-3 hours then eventually throw it all back up. I've lost about 10 pounds in those 2 weeks. Now I'm to the point where I even got sick over wheat bread and turkey yesterday so now I'm down to literally eating 3 different things until December 28th, my due date. My doctor said last time I was in that it looked like I was starving myself from my urine. I mean I don't know what else I'm supposed to do? I'm not going to eat foods that im going to just completely throw up and be bent over in pain for hours. This has just been a nightmare and I'm ready for it to be over 😔