So upsetting..

Sorry for the long post, I need to vent. So this past weekend, we had a baby shower for my little girl. Only two people from my husband's family, four people from mine, and two family friends showed up. I had multiple other people say they were coming and it really upset me when they didnt. On top of all this I am not anywhere near being prepared for the baby because we are in the middle of the moving process. I find myself just looking at all the things we still need for her and just crying because I think we won't be ready in time. As if I didn't have enough to deal with, I have people on dh's side of the family that are doing everything they can to make me miserable so that I can't enjoy my pregnancy. They have even went as far as saying that I will love this one more because she is a girl and my other lo is a boy. I want to just tell them where they can take their comments and shove them, but I was raised not to disrespect anyone even if they disrespected me (especially if they are older than me). I feel like I am basically having to let people walk all over me because I am not a very assertive person. When I do get put into these situations, it stresses me out to the point where I can feel it bothering the baby. She will get all riled up and my stomach will be in knots. I would not wish feeling like this on anyone. Any suggestions on how to deal with the drama and not let it bother me?