
Okay, so I've been feeling very depressed these last couple of days..

My husband and I got married in March 2016, this year. We dated for 2 years. Since I was 16.

We have been TTC for about 5 months now and nothing. 3 months ago we decided to get a dog, so we got a Pitbull Puppy. Tbh he is my baby and I love him so much but let's be honest nothing beats a baby in your womb. At least not for me.

Anywho, a couple a days ago my mom and mother in law were talking and I was just sitting watching TV when I hear my mom saying, " I can't believe they got a dog instead of having a baby. I don't see Cynthia wanting a kid." And then his mom said, "seriously, instead of having a baby they get a dog hahaha what's the point might as well get a baby, it's better then a dog."

I felt so bad but I just sat there and gave a little smile. I felt myself starting to tear up so i rushed to my room.... LITTLE DO THEY KNOW, I DO want a baby, Deyvi DOES want a baby, we DO want to have a child & we HAVE been trying. But sadly, it just HASN'T happened.

Here are pictures of my furbaby when I got him and now. I love him 💕