Confusion about opks and hcg in your system after misscariage.

So I've done a lot of reading online and it seems the general consensus is you can't ovulate until your hcg is under 5. But I ovulated yesturday. I don't know what my hcg is I have to go to the lab today. I do know last week it was 360, and the previous week it was 2080. So my thoughts are, how could I be getting positive opks, ( after negative ones last week) Tons of EWCM. And my sex drive back, if its impossible to ovulate with hcg in your system? I mean who knows, maybe I'm at zero now, or maybe im at 50 or 100 I don't know yet. I just don't see why my body would have all the signs and positive opk if its impossible. And as of today at 1dpo my cm has gone back to sticky. Seems like real ovulation to me😕