First cervix exam-38 weeks & Dr. felt baby's head!

Vanessa • Married to the most wonderful & handsome man in the world! 👧🏻💞 born Oct. 23. 2016 & 👶🏽💚 born May 2. 2018 ♥️IG: DwyerBearFamily
Doctor visit today was to see how I am doing "down there" and doctor said I am not dilated yet but my cervix is softening and she felt the baby's head. I have  questions! I probably should have asked her at the time but I forget and was just so excited I got through the exam that I was dreading for 2 weeks lol
1) How did she feel the baby's head if I am not dialated?
2) Does that mean my mucus plug is gone?
3) Does that mean the baby has dropped?
Thank you :)