husband is not interested.

I got married just about 4 months ago but my husband and I were not "wait until the wedding night" kinda people. We had owned a house for the two years prior to the wedding too. Total we've been together for about 4 years and have been... "Active" for almost that long. 
My question/comment/concern: he's not interested. Ever. 
I don't think my husband has initiated sex in about 2 years. Probably not coincidentally that's about the time we bought a "fixer upper" house but still... We "abstained" for a few months leading up to the wedding (January-May) per priest request but we failed because of one night (sex once in those 6 months). On our honeymoon we had sex once. We moved right after we got back and had sex once between July and September. Even if I initiate he says "not tonight". He has definitely... Handled things solo and I know (and condone) him watching porn (which I know what he watches so he is not gay). I used to be a bit skinnier but seriously, he just won't have sex with me. I've always been adventurous and willing to try new things... He hasn't. 
I don't know what to do...