Zion Channing Wilson


Born 9.20.16 at 1:51pm 7.93lbs 20 inches long.

I wasn't going to post my birth story but decided to, to encourage women who are not there yet and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.

On 9.19 I was 41 weeks and 2 days. I was having back pain which we thought earlier on Friday was back labor, turns out it was kidney stones. So on Monday the 19th i still had a lot of pressure in my kidney which causes back pain. Anyway we did the NST for 30 min and baby did great. We then went to do the AFI which had to have a, minimum score of 5 to be covered "healthy" the nurse at my midwives couldn't find and sac to measure so we had to go get a full ultra sound done. The ultra sound tech looked at brain function, blood flow, heart rate, breathing, umbilical cord everything for baby came back great. Unfortunately the only sac measurement they could find was low I only measured out to 1.8. We went back to the midwifes and ask the risks of continuing pregnancy, and any alternatives. The SO and I decided the risk for baby to stay in were to pregnant. My cervix was checked and i was at 3-4 cm 80% effaced. Adding all my tests amd scores up my bishops score was high enough to be induced. (I got checked at 10:30am) i got a membrane sweep hoping to induce labor naturally by the time for my appointment of induction at 530pm. Nothing happened i had more intense contractions but not rythmic so we didn't time them. So we went to L&D got checked in ordered some food (they said i could eat) amd waited. I got my first dose of pitocin at 6pm which was increased ever 30min-1 hour. I walked around for a while swayed on the yoga ball and finally sat in a hot bath doing my breathing. Had my playsit going my SO was behind me rubbing my bath helping my breath. Mind you i had just passed stones so was already so tired and in pain. By 1 am i was having extreme pelvic pressure sharp contractions every 2-3 seconds. Not enough time to get a break and prep for the next comtraction. My Midwife checked me and i was still at 3-4cm! No progress at all! No more efaced than before nothing! At that point i requested the epidural (SO asked a million questions risks benefit alternatives) once i got the epidural i basically slept through the rest of my labor. I had the regular dosage didnt hit the buttok for any extra. The pitocin kept being increased then arounf 1:15pm i felt a lot of pelvic pressure so i was checked and i was at 10cm! Almost crowning. We decided to wait an hour before pushing to try and let my uterus move him down. 15 min later he decided no he was ready to come now. I started pushing at 1:32pm and the little man came out pooping at 1:51pm. I had no tears no complications mininal medical interventions. It was not the birth i wanted but given the circumstances i had a good birth and most importantly a healthy baby .