I don't understand..

Brooke • Brooke. 22. Married to the love of my life. TTC baby number 1. :)
I don't understand at all how some people, such as myself can post on here and no one ever comments, or even acts like they care..
But some women post on here and are blown up with comments. 
I've posted on here many times just asking for support. My husband is amazing and helps when he can but us working opposite shifts is hard and sometimes it would be amazing just to have another female to talk to... it sucks to try to conceive a child for 11 months but month by month you start your period after getting your hopes up, spending  hundreds of dollars on pregnancy tests just hoping that now is your time..
It really feels awful seeing all of your friends have children and ask "so when are you going to have one?" Not knowing you've been praying for that miracle. 
It's also hard after 8 months of trying, you finally get your positive and you miscarry just days after you get a confirmed test. 
And now.. 11 months into trying, it really sucks being 14 days late, just waiting to see that positive, but only seeing one faintly and having several other negatives. I hate feeling alone. I know there's so many women on here who probably feel the same way. 
How can we show support and help each other out by just reading, and passing on through.. not even bothering to comment on someone else's post whether it's asking questions from first time mothers, or someone who is making sure they're not misreading that positive. It takes just a few seconds to comment on a post and acknowledge someone's efforts and a cry for help from someone who just needs a little support and to feel like their story is important too. I feel some of us get too caught up in drama to realize that most of us are on the same mission. To conceive a child, a miracle. We're all in the same position, whether it's our 1st child or our 6th. Whether we're married or single, rich or poor, we all just want to know what it's like to be blessed with a child. That's the most important thing. Be kind. Whether they've posted 100 photos of a negative test praying someone else sees that line, or whether they ask a question you feel is stupid. Be mindful of others. This journey is hard, and many of us struggle in our journey.