Back pain

Caitlyne • Bonus mom to 2💜💙 Bio mom to 1 💜
Currently 21 weeks & the back pain has set in! 
I'm not big or anything. Barely showing (just this week i started rounding out instead of looking fat xD) 
But my lower back in KILLING me! Like on the verge on tears (and I don't cry easily, used to be an athlete, I've played with various injuries and such without shedding a tear) this is keeping me up. The mornings are worse! I've been up for over an hour and just can't seem to go back to sleep because of my back. So far I haven't found one position more comfortable. 
I do have very flat feet (& bad me haven't worn my orthotics in years just due to inconvenience) 
My mom had bad back pains and her orthotics helped after a little while. 
I guess I'm just wondering what any of you did for lower back pain! Hoping for some quicker relief (I'll go to my chiropractor and start wearing my orthotics around the house for long term) 
& did getting a pregnancy pillow help back pain at all?