need some advice:/

My boyfriend has these friends that one of the girls is like 25 and he's 18 and he spends a lot of time with them like everyday first thing in the morning... he doesn't even come see me anymore the only reason I see him is because I go over there. I feel like I beg for his attention when I go over there... and whenever they're there he always says "let's go outside I can't leave my company " but some days if I really havent gottten to spent time with him I'll go over there and then he'll leave me for a couple hours to go hang out with them. The 25 year old gives him rides everywhere... kinda makes me feel bad because I can't do anything for him like that because I'm only 16 and my mom isn't really letting me grow up but I don't know if I need to talk to him or not... like it hurts a lot but I don't wanna be overreacting