Should I pay for my best friends abortion?

Okay so first off leave All negative comments to yourself. I'm asking this not to be shit on or for your opinion on her relationship but for legitimate advice. 
My best friend, 21 years old in an abusive relationship, has a two year old son, and is the bread winner of her family just got news that she is pregnant again. Her abusive boyfriend refuses to wear protection and she cannot take birth control pills. The boyfriend who is the father of their 2 year old is not working nor can he obtain a job because he does drugs and has a lengthy criminal record. I know my best friend does not want another child, but he is talking her into keeping it. They definitely do not have the money for an abortion, but I do and I want the best for HER. I really don't think the stress of another child is in her best interest and either does she. I am contemplating having a discussion with her about paying for an abortion if she would like. Is that wrong of me as a best friend? I know the news of a baby is exciting but she is in no position to add on to her family. What should I do? 

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