39 weeks and pissed at my lack of progression!

Mary Beth
I'm so frustrated! I hear something completely different every single week at the doctor. 37 weeks -not dilated, but thinning nicely and baby's head is super low and "right there". 38 weeks, 50-60% thinned and maybe a finger tip dilated, -2 station, 39 weeks- 1cm dilated, "still fairly thick" so I questioned it and she said maybe 30% effaced and baby's head is still pretty high. HOW? How is it that things are not only not progressing but moving backwards?!? I hate seeing different doctors/midwives every week. At 37 weeks they acted like I'd never make it to 39 weeks and now they are talking about induction if I go over. I left my appointment feeling completely defeated. Come on baby boy, mommy is tired and does not want to be induced!