should I move on?

Jade • Jade. 20.
My boyfriend of a year and a half and I have recently decided to take a break and be friends because the relationship was not a healthy one and he was not really ready to be in a relationship (took a year to realize 😒). We still love each other and hope to get back together in the future but as of now I guess I'm sort of single. Although he's not taking us being friends too seriously, we still hook up because a girl has needs and it's what's comfortable for me but I recently went to a party with my coworkers and there were drinks and everyone had a bit to much to drink. One of my coworkers who I'm pretty sure likes me (which has now been confirmed because he called and told me he has feelings for me) gotta super drunk and I was taking care of him and he kept pulling me on to his lap and rubbing on my leg and stuff. But the thing is he's my friends brother and the whole situation is messy af because my ex is the super jealous type and I still have feelings for him but I don't want to hurt my coworker or make things awkward at work. HELP!!😰😰😰