TTC with PMDD and depression

Hi everyone- my husband and I have been TTC for 8 months now. Every month I thought THIS had to be the month because we timed everything perfectly. To top it off my PMS symptoms are severe where I am nauseous, have heart burn, my boobs swell and everything related to early pregnancy. You can imagine how frustrating it was to get BFN every month. I am also on Prozac which decreases my cervical mucus to nothing each month. We finally tried pre seed and I just got my BFP. I've spent so many hours researching every symptom and twinge I just can't believe this is the month! I know it is the most frustrating thing in the world, everyone around you is getting pregnant, including people who never planned it. Then everyone asks you when you're going to try but in reality they have no idea how painful that question really is. I still don't feel like it's real and I am going to call the MD in the morning. Feel free to contact me if you're feeling like a crazy TTC woman and need to vent!