is it okay to tell an 8 month old no?

My daughter is 8 months old. She's advanced for her age. Lately whenever she gets into something, I tell her no and stop her. Usually she laughs at me. Well the past few days when I tell her no she screams. Not just screams, throws a fit. Today I was eating and she would stand up and try to grab it (it was a hot plate) so i told her no and moved her arm which made her sit on her butt. She repeatedly kept trying to grab it so finally i said no a little louder and made her sit again and she completely threw a fit. Screaming so loud that I swear the neighbors can hear. I did not yell, hell i barely said it loud enough to be talking. Just louder than before. I've heard people say it's bad to tell them no this early but I think she understands because she cries when I say it.