oh doctors...

So my doctors have had me set at a week ahead of what I think I am. I think I'm currently 8 weeks, they think 9. Yesterday I had my first ultrasound and the tech agreed that baby looks 8 weeks.
I get a call today that they want me in next week for another US to measure growth since they feel I'm measuring a week behind from my LMP. DUH!!! That's what happens when you don't ovulate until 21 days into your cycle!!!! They said "we need to track the heartbeat, have you had any bleeding?"  Not a drop. Heartbeat was nice and strong at 168 yesterday. 
They don't want more blood. Yesterday I asked for my lab results, they came back saying "they're all normal". Cool. 
Now I get to be antsy for another appointment!! I'm just thankful that my boss is letting me go without docking personal time off for it.