What was your first ever period like?

When I got my first period I was 11 and it was my first week at summer camp. I remember having a class in elementary school about periods but that was only for a couple of days and no one ever talked about it since. I actually forgot what a period was cause it was never really talked about in school and I didn't always stay with my mom. 
But I clearly remember the day I got my period.
 It was just after lunch and they let us go to the playground. I remember my stomach hurting so much that I didn't even go play with my friends I sat on the edge of the sandbox. I don't remember why I got up but there was this little boy who was standing behind me and he screamed to everyone telling them I pooped my pants. I was so mortified that I ran to the bathroom to find that I had brown blood running down my legs and my pants were completely brown all over.  I honestly thought I crapped my pants cause I forgot what a period was. 
  I was so angry at my parents for not talking to me more about it. I never went back to camp after that.