Spotting- need opinions and advice!

Hi there. My boyfriend and I have been TTC for a few months now. I am 9 DPO and have been spotting blood very, very lightly for about 5 days now. I'm not due for AF for another 6 days. However, my last "period" was very abnormal for me (quite light and only lasted 3 days)....I feel bouts of nausea every day for the past few weeks, get headaches and vertigo...I just don't know. I have not taken any pregnancy tests because I'm too nervous they'll come up negative!! I've TTC in the past and for a longer period of time- while taking OPKs and pregnancy tests etc etc and all results have been I'm just nervous that this will be the same way and that there is just something wrong with me. ☹️️ please I'm open to any advice!