So excited yet so nervous

Ruby • Mother to two princesses 😍💕 1/18/17 👩‍👧‍👧 10/3/20
I am sooooooo excited to become a mom but I am so nervous because it's little simple things that I don't know and it scares me. Like when she comes home when should I give her her first bath or should I wrap her in a swaddle blanket when she sleeps or just put her in a onesie with the feet in. I ask about the blanket or onesie because I've been reading about SIDS and how they say that a sheet in the bed is all they'll need but she's gonna be in our room for the first few months in her own bed and we sleep with our ceiling fan on and I don't want her to get sick but I don't want her to overheat or suffocate either so I'm kinda like "What do I do?" I'm gonna ask my doctor next time I see her because I'm just so nervous I really wanna be a great mom. I need to know these things