Its almost been a year and still nothing has happend. Not even a pregnancy scare. I get so emotional because everybody around me is having children or getting prego.😥😥 I dont get it. Like im stuck and feel like its pointless for me to be on this earth if I cant do the one thing us WOMEN were here to do. REPRODUCE-& takr care and raise a child. I've had an HSG dont and my tubes aren't block but now I don't even think I ovulate. Well lets say I have an anovulatory cycle like every other month and when my doc tells me to come in and do blood work on my 3rd day, but for some reason it always fall on a Sunday and I never can get it done. I just wanna give up. I'm not having tht much hope now a days and I'm young. Maybe its just not ment for me to have child. I hate my life. 😑😑😑😫😫😢😢