was it rape? *update*

my friend allowed me to post what happened to her as long as I kept it anonymous since she didn't agree with my answer. Anyways, my friend that she was raped 2 times this week and of course I was so shocked and worried and she told me what happened. She said she didn't go to the police because she didn't have the time to, but here is what she told me:
What happened the first time is that her and her guy friend were smoking weed and had sex. She said he didn't pressure her at all that it just happened, but she is saying that it was rape since she was under the influence.
What happened a day or two later is that she was with her Fwb and she wanted to do anal, but he said he didn't want to hurt her since it was her first time doing it, so he put it in her vagina. She said it was rape since she wanted anal sex instead of vaginal sex, but still enjoyed vaginal sex and consented to that through body language and action, but she said: "I didn't say yes with my words"
So in she admitted she consented with her actions and body, but not her words
Were these rape? I tried telling her that rape means there was no consent, but she think so otherwise 
Just wanted to say this is not a troll. I saw a comment where someone said she could have been sexually assaulted and just traumatized so I asked her and she told me: "no we just had sex wtf". I kept asking if she was sure and she lashed out at me calling me a whore for calling her a victim for something that didn't happen and after she repeatedly said they just raped her. I talk to the guys since I also know them and asked what happened, and they told me what happened. I didn't tell them about how she accused them of rape, but what they told me was somewhat different. When she and the guy were smoking weed he said that she came onto him and they started having sex, and during the middle of it her boyfriend was calling, but he didn't know she had a boyfriend and neither did I until he told me... He said he shoved her off and yelled at her since he didn't want to get involved in that kind of stuff and kicked her out of his house. The fwb had no idea either when I asked him until I mentioned it to him and he said he broke off their fuck-buddy relationship today and is going to stop talking to her