Baby loss awareness week πŸ’™πŸ’œ

Zoe β€’ 27 years old and engaged to my best friend, my soul mate πŸ’• 1 mmc at 12 weeks and 1 mc at 5 weeks 🌈 my angel babies ✨
πŸ’—πŸ’™ This week is Baby loss awareness week when we remember all babies born sleeping, or those we've carried but never met, those we've held but couldn't take home, the ones that came home but didn't stay.
Β Make this your profile status if you or someone you know has suffered the loss of a baby. The majority won't do it, because unlike cancer, miscarriage and still birth is still a taboo subject. Break the silence.
Β In memory of all angels too perfect for earth and all the babies that are born sleeping or don't make it home πŸ’—πŸ’™
Today I light candles for these gorgeous babies xxx