I think im out this month😢😧😭

💕💜Brittany💜💕 • I am 29 yrs old n I have been married for 8yrs.Don't judge me by the size of my family! I have 9 kids round ages 9,7,3,2,1yrs,2month old. 3girls 4boys My 3 year old son has infantile scoliosis.N I am now trying for baby#8.Stepson's ages 12,13 I luv them a
I think I'm out this month ladies. When I wiped light pink on the tissue. Y is it that these cheap test come back with a faint line then I have a period. Im bout to jus give up on having baby #7 n jus be done. We barely have sex anymore so I don't even Kno y I set myself up for disappointment.😭😭😭