Best friend and guys

S • :^)

So there is this guy that kinda randomly started hanging out with me and my friends at school (we hang out with others guys not just girls), and he's become one of my best freinds. My BFF has to, and I'm pretty Sure she like him. To be completely honest, I really like him to but shes told me about it first and lately I've felt like some things have become a competion so I haven't said anything. Anyways, recently my other guy friend told me he has a crushs one of us, so when the guy told me that he was bummed out because he thought my best friend liked him, I panicked and told him she just liked his face and thought he was funny, because I didnt want him to act weird around her. I relized that he texts, calls, and hangs out with me way more. He walks me to my classes. He always grabs my hands when are walking. He's told me alot of deep crap aparantly he hasn't told her. When ever i talk about this other guy ive liked for forever he gets really quiet or starts making fun of him. I don't know how to feel about it. They both mean so much to me, and I want to tell her, and I want to tell hi, But I don't want to hurt her feelings. I don't really want to in a relationship, and and she does. I feel like a total bitch, but I don't feel guilty. I guess this is stupid high school drama, but I'm just so confused. Any advice?

Update: I told her I like him, she knows he dosent like her that way, she knows he likes me, he dosent know how I feel about him, this other guy really like her