Help what is good? I need help


What is some makeup that doesn't break you out? and is not used for animals cruelty? I have very sensitive oily skin's. I've always been interested in makeup and loved them. When I was a teenager but I wasn't never very good at and was kinda challenging that time for me lol. And me and my family where having financial difficulty and promblems so I stop there.. But since I have finally grown up and got a job finally to support my family, and myself. I thought that I can finally do makeup. since its have been very popular lately and it gain my interested agian. So I want to start, its never to late to learn something right? and so I don't know much about it and where to start caused there just so many products of makeup item lol and what to do? lol can someone help me and guide me the way?

Another question... I felt like I have very dry hair from the tips toward the ends.. which makes my hair falls a lot? and having so many split ends.. also b/c of that my hair is also very fragile, I'm losing so much hair that im just so scared to do anything to do with my hair.. :( I shower everyday... I might skip a day or two wjen im very tired.. But that is it. is it b/c of the shampoo and conditioner that I am using causing my hair to be like that? or is it stress...or something else. Thanks for reading :)