😡 with my fiancé

So he's just decided to turn up home at 9.20pm at night bearing in mind I called him at 3pm to pick me some stuffing up from the shops on the way home well...... 5pm arrived and he's nowhere to be seen so me and the kids ate our roast dinner without him and the stuffin balls he shows up 4 and a half hours later he has the cheek to ask me if I'm ok after he's ignored my calls all evening and ruined our family Sunday dinner so I ask where he's been he says I'm sorry I've been locked up! Excuse me? Why have u been locked up? For fighting! Fighting who and why were u fighting? The police because they were annoying me WTF? I said to him when the fuck are you gonna grow up he's 36 I'm 26 and a lot more maturer than him he still thinks he's 18 really angry with him! And I'm nearly 9 weeks pregnant with his child I'm sick to death of his childish ways 😢😢😢😢