I will be crying myself to sleep tonight

Destiny • You are all beautiful young woman and don't let anyone tell you different
Today at work this guy told me that the guy I like likes someone other girl but at first I didn't believe him until he kept telling me more and I couldn't take it anymore and I was mad and I just started crying ( I feel like I cry every Sunday at work... Like its become a tradition but anyway back to the story) and so I text the guy I like and told him I'm cancelling our plans for Dave and busters because first of all it didn't seem like he wanted to go anyway and I knew I was setting myself up because I like him and I can't just stay friends so well see what he says back but I'm done with guys I need a break to myself and to find out more about what God wants to do with me on this earth so this might be good having time for myself but I will cry myself to sleep because I really liked this guy and now it's drained down the hole