Seriously getting depressed

We've been trying actively for 4 months now. I am definitely starting to feel depressed and really sad. To the point where I cried myself to sleep last night after some spotting. I know I am fertile because I had gotten pregnant while on bC. (No children) now that I am longing to grow our family, I feel like it is never going to happen. I track constantly, he's 100% on board and we make sure to do the deed. I know you're not supposed to stress about it but let's get serious. I've made it a point to not focus on it this month thinking it would be our time. I'm not due until Thursday and have had dark brown spotting that started last night. Praying it's implantation but I highly doubt it. I don't even want to test anymore as I'm just going to burst into tears. Sorry I just needed to rant and let it out where people weren't going to think I was crazy 😢😢😢😢