always feel like something bad is going to happen:(

This start of my pregnancy hasn't been too great. I went to one doctor and they told me I was 8 weeks due to my last "normal," period even though I told her I had 3 days of bleeding and that date would have been August 29th. Instead she went by the first date which was August 1st and told me I was 8 weeks pregnant. I made an appointment with my new OBGYN and had a vaginal ultrasound and they seen a sac but nothing in it. They said it could be a possible sign of miscarriage... Then I told her what I told the other doctor which would have put me at only 4 weeks and couple days. So we did blood work that day my HcG level was 5000+ (Thursday) then on Saturday I went to a lab, got my results on Monday and my levels were 7000+. Doctor said that was wonderful! I'm so paranoid now every second of the day about my baby! My next ultra sound is Nov 1st and I should be 9 weeks. Has anyone else ever experienced this? I've also had mild cramping throughout my entire pregnancy but no blood, have a some nausea, constant breast tenderness and fatigue.