My angel baby was due to arrive today.

Tessa • 33 years old, happily married, mom to the SWEETEST toddler boy and baby girl in the whole world, and owner/creator of Tiny Threads. 💙👶🏻🌈

After trying for many months, my husband and I finally got our BFP on February 14th... Valentine's Day! What a gift! We were over the moon. But it was just a few short days later that we lost the child I was carrying. I have never experienced more intense sadness in my entire life. I don't know if there is anything in this world quite like the feeling of losing a life you've created (no matter how long their heart actually beat). That sweet baby would have been due to make his or her arrival today.

I am sharing this now because (1) I am ready to, and (2) it is a part of our story, and a part I don't feel right leaving out. And maybe, just maybe, I can give hope to others who have been, or are currently in, the same position we once were. You will always love the child that didn't survive... but there is hope. And I am here to tell you to hold on to it. Hold on to the hope of creating a little blessing again. 

Our precious rainbow baby was created in May and is due to arrive in early February, right around the time that we found out we were pregnant with our first. Though there has been struggle and heartache, God has us. And he has you too. ❤️💜💙💚💛