got told today there is no baby

Sitting in that waiting room today was one of the hardest and scariest things to go through in the back of my mind I had hope that there would still be a baby, as my name was called to go in for my scan for them to put the gel on my belly and scan around to see nothing on the screen and those words I'm really sorry but we can't find anything, I didn't cry as I thought I would of I just sat there and looked at my partner next to me and said we will get through this, this baby was just to excited that it come abit to earlier and that god needed them back as it wasn't the right time for them just yet, I felt more sorry for the lady doing my scan she was heavily pregnant and for her to say them words it must of been tough and hard, as we got home from the hospital we brought a box to place the tests and the baby grow that I brought my partner when I told him that he was gonna be a daddy the day we lost our bundle of joy was the 11th October we went to the doctors as he wasn't sure weather it wa a completed or a threatened miscarriage we took it as a miscarriage so we had time to get our heads around it ready for then scan I new that was the day my little angel went all my pregnancy symptoms disappeared, I didn't want to believe it at first I cried for a few days after but I'm ok, I tell my self I will get through this pain god gained an angel that had come to this world to soon we will meet again one day, I just felt like I needed to get so much of my chest that I needed to right this