hand foot and mouth disease

My poor little baby girl has hand foot and mouth disease :(
Listen to this nightmare:
We fly to Vancouver to visit my cousin who is a medical resident out here (so helpful!). As soon as we arrive, she gets a fever. She's fussy the next day and by evening is crying out hysterically in pain so we go to the ER and they tell us to come back next day if nothing changes. She's not nursing and I'm bursting but luckily can pump st the hospital. She barely eats all night and every time she latches she cries in pain. Next morning we see she developed a rash all over her body. I figured out she will take milk in a cup so at least she's getting some fluid. We go back to the ER and they figure out its hand foot and mouth disease which can last 7-10 days!!! 
She's starting to show signs of improvement. Ate some solids and is finally nursing a little. Fever is less heavy and less frequent but still there... my poor baby. I miss my boyfriend so much. I dread the flight home all by myself with her, it's all across the country. This has been the worst trip of my life and I'm emotionally drained and physically exhausted. I cried so hard when they drew blood and every time we had to force feed her medication. I'm just thankful that she doesn't have anything worse.