Thoughts of the night

Nobody should ever feel like they are to blame for their sexual assault, it is sad that in this world there is victim blaming going on I don't care what you were wearing or how much you drink, where you were walking or anything like that you're not to blame and to think that people are willing to allow this to happen makes me sick sexual assault can ruin people more than people know I was assaulted and I was blamed I was so hurt and destroyed about the assault and then for one of my friends to say that it was my fault hurt even more I was not drunk or high I was wearing a T-shirt and shorts that were not all that short and it still happened the way you dress is not a factor people need to have self control and be held accountable for their action male or female everyone should feel safe we should be united not separated we should defend those who can not defend themselves when. We hear of sexual assault we should ask how the victim is not what they were doing or wearing that should not important