which option is the best in handling miscarriage?

I just had a miscarriage this morning. Me and my partner was devastated 😢 It's an incomplete miscarriage. Found out later by the brochure that the hospital hand over that we have 3 options; 
1. to go let the tissue out naturally let nature take it course which could take from days to 4 weeks
2. take a medicine which could hasten the process and it will clear up within few hours or max 2 days.
3. Curette. 
But for my case curette is maybe unnecessary unless the bleed not stop over a week and still heavily bleeding.
The thing is the hospital didnt offer me the option of medication. Which i will prefer because it will clear up faster and wont need to go to longer period of time anxiously worrying if it has clean/ clear up and i can get back to my usual activity. 
Im confuse on why the hospital didnt even lay it  down as option to me.
Please share me your thought and experience and what do you think it best to do