It really did happen

So I posted on the faint lines section 10 (ish) days ago with a very faint positive and here I am after testing again now I'm 3 days past my expected period date with a BFP
I thought I would share some of my symptoms with you ladies :)... 
I knew from the faint test as I had been so tired, napping every day I could! I had headaches, sick feeling, dizziness and loads of cold symptoms, waking up with heartburn and I've just been feeling really "off" but above all I just felt like I knew... 
On the day of my expected period I had one spot of brown discharge and thought I was out as I had been feeling as if af was around the corner (and still do!) and then nothing but have had lots of cramps for the last week or so! These cramps I usually found were around when I needed a wee or other which was really strange to me at first but apparently very common. I have also bloated and been really gassy, my jeans are feeling tighter I'm that bloated. 
So that's my experience so far with my early pregnancy symptoms I thought I would share them with anyone who might be experiencing some of these and getting doubtfull such as af like cramping :). Good luck and baby dust to everyone xxx 
This is my test from tonight, not fmu and been drinking lots of water.