Birth Story of my sweet Raylon Wayne

Hello world meet my sweet Raylon Wayne. Born 10.6.16 at 2:57am. 6lb 4oz 19in. 
It's taken me two weeks to write my birth story because I've wanted to soak in every moment I could with this handsome little guy. I spent 78 days on bed rest. 9 weeks in the hospital due to a high risk pregnancy. I had extremely high blood pressure and issues with my bladder disease so I needed strict bed rest and extra attention. The doctors told me I wouldn't make it to 32 weeks when I was admitted. I proved everyone wrong and made it to 37 weeks and 1 day!!  At 5pm on Oct 5th I was moved from the High Risk unit to L&D. The doctor gave me cervidil to soften my cervix. The cervidil actually put me into labor at 2am. At 7am they started pitocin to get things moving quicker. I was having back labor pains and it was causing my blood pressure to spike. At 12pm I was only at 2 1/2 cm so my doctor decided to break my water. They decided to go ahead and administer the epidural in hopes to help my blood pressure. My body had a bad reaction to the epidural and it caused both the baby and I to go under stress. I was put on oxygen and my BP and HR were extremely low. My baby started having decells and would only keep a steady HR if I wouldn't move. My doctor talked to my husband and I and she said that if we proceed that there was no way my body and the baby would make it through without an emergency cesarean but if we made a desicion right then she would be able to perform the cesarean while I was still awake. At 2:20pm I was wheeled back for a cesarean. Our baby boy entered into the world at 2:57pm with his hands holding the umbilical cord away from his neck that was was wrapped around twice. Once they got him out and I got to see him my BP suddenly dropped to 75/30 and I started to bleed out. My team of doctors and nurses worked quickly to save my life. I was in surgery for 2 hours. Our baby boy was absolutely perfect and healthy and soon after surgery I was back to myself also. He is 2 weeks old today and he was worth every sick day, hospital stay and surgery complication. My hubby and I came home with the greatest most perfect reward. Life is better than ever.