Positive round two

Sam • Mama to Hunter Cleyson, Oliver Jameson & Finley June
I don't know if I have ever been more nervous than I am at this very moment. We miscarried September 10th when I was at 9.5 weeks. The baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks and never had developed a heartbeat. I randomly started tracking my ovulation a couple weeks later and got a couple pretty promising tests but didn't catch my peak so I wasn't feeling super hopeful about becoming pregnant again right away. I took a pregnancy test a week ago and it was negative but kept feeling like something was going on. I decided to take another one a few days ago and there was that second faint line. I nearly threw up because I couldn't believe it. Then this morning I took this digital test and BAM! That wonderful word popped up. PREGNANT!! Wish us luck as we hope to have this one stick. This is about to be the most exciting and nerve wracking few months. ❤️