Wouldn Lanolin help? ⚠️Pics included.⚠️

I've been having some insane dry skin problems as of the last month; pretty sure it's increased psoriasis due to stress. 

The worst spots are my legs (dry patches/more possible irritation from shaving everywhere) and nipples (dry and flaky to crusty and very weepy, and very itchy; going on for over a year but much worse now), but my vulva is insanely itchy as well. 
No weird discharge, no weird smell. The inside of my left labia minora gets quite itchy as well, but I'm going to attribute that to vaginal dryness from being on the pill (started a month ago, a few days after my skin was starting to get itchy and dry). On my vulva, it's the worst on the sides, down to my labia majora. Looks like a mix of razor burn/psoriasis and seems to get worse with friction from panties/jeans and leggings. 
I don't use any weird fragranced products and I have never had a reaction to soaps, body sprays, or detergents. 
 It's gotten so bad that I've broken skin there. And all over my legs as well. *I DID NOT have any lesions until I started itching and tore my skin myself. No blisters either.* I bought Lanolin for my nipples and I found some Cortizone 10 Feminine Itch cream that I put on my vulva/labia majora last night. The Cortizone 10 didn't work as well as I'd hoped. 
So would it be okay to dry Lanolin down there? If it can soothe cracked nipples, I'm sure it would be able to soothe cracked, itchy skin down there as well. 
(Note: I've had the same partner for 4 years. We are both clean and faithful to each other so I know it's not an STD and it sure doesn't seem like a yeast infection. No weird pus either, and they don't seem infected, just irritated.) Pics of nipple/vulva below.