Absolutely NOT the labor/delivery that I wanted.

So it's been 4 weeks now, and I have recovered enough to write the story of my daughter's birth. It was absolutely not the delivery I expected. With my eldest daughter, I had an epidural, and had the most amazing birthing experience. I really wanted to do the same with my second. I was induced with my first due to gestational diabetes. This time around I had diabetes again, but also had low platelets, preeclampsia, and severe anemia. They decided to induce me at 37 weeks. I was scheduled for the induction on September 19. We went to the hospital at 6 PM, and they told us they would have to wait as they were shortstaffed. So my husband and I watched a movie and tried to get some sleep. They started inducing at 2 AM the next morning. That was the 20th. Nothing happened all day. No dilating. No effacing. Nothing. They gave me six doses before anything started to happen. Because I had such low platelets, they refused to give me an epidural. I was really nervous about not having it but they said they could give me some pain meds until a certain point. They broke my water and contractions started to get much stronger. They gave me some narcotics (which really messed me up). I fell asleep, however my husband said that I would wake up every three minutes yell out in pain because of the contractions and then immediately start snoring again. After a few hours, the pain meds starting to wear off and that is when I start waking up and yelling for the nurse to give me more meds. They came in to check to see how far I was dilated, in which the dr. said that I was 8 cm dilated. It was at that moment that my body started pushing on its own. I yelled out "get the doctor I'm pushing!" and the nurse said don't push but I couldn't help it. My body was taking over. I don't remember much after that but my husband said that a bunch of doctors and nurses rushed into my room. My hubby said that my blood pressure went through the roof and they were afraid that I was going to have a stroke. Soon after my heart rate went to 140 and they were afraid I would have a heart attack. All this happened within 10 minutes of pushing. My husband said he thought I was going to die, and that it was the scariest experience he had ever been through. He thought he was going to have to go home without me. I thought the same thing too. My body was so exhausted that I immediately fell asleep when she came out. I felt them place her on my chest and I opened my eyes to look at her. It was then that I realized she was not crying or breathing. They quickly cut the cord. Then they brought her over to the incubator. I kept asking "why isn't she breathing?!" Then I finally heard her cry and I knew she was OK. I hemorrhaged quite a bit during delivery. When I finally got up to use the bathroom afterwards I almost passed out. It was one of the scariest experiences I've ever been through. But my daughter, Zoe May, was born September 22 at 2:03 AM. 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 3/4 inches long. Three days after my scheduled induction. The day before my birthday. And two days before my husband and my anniversary. I couldn't be happier that she is here. Her and her squishy chubby cheeks.  ❤️❤️❤️