Baby is here!

My birth story. I went in on October 16th at 8pm to be induced. They checked me and started getting ready to induce and my contractions started before they started the pitocin. At about 11pm they started the pitocin and my body quickly picked up and contractions intensified and I went from a 2 to 5 in minutes. I went ahead and got the epidural as I was having extreme back labor and that ish HURTS lol I was able to rest after the epidural and my contractions kept coming and I kept dialating fast. I was resting and around 1 am about 9 people darted in to my room and started making me move around bc the babies heart rate dropped and he had prolonged d cells. Thankfully he came back after I got on my hands and knees. Well it happened again about 6am. I labored all day again, and at shift change that night at 7 the new nurse I got wanted to get things moving faster and started having me in weird positions, etc. At around 11p I started feeling really really sick. Had a temp of 102.5 so they started some antibiotics and I fell asleep. They checked me again at midnight and I was still at a 9. Had been for like 4 hours with no further progress. I told my dr I felt something was wrong and I wasn't gonna push anymore so they needed to do a csection. We got in to the or at 1245 and Hunter was born at 1:06a, with the cord wrapped around his neck tightly. Everytime he tried to descend he was being choked. Thank goodness I listened to my instinct. He was 8 lbs and 21 inches. Perfectly healthy :)