She is here!!

I know it's a little late but I thought I would share my story and how my lovely daughter changed my life! On October 7th my due date lol I went into the dr to get my membrane stripped and cervix dialated! First and foremost Oh my gosh that hurt!!!! It was the worst pain next to being in hard labor! Before I went in that day I was at a 1.5 and very soft! The dr stretched my cervix to a 3! But I lived though it with some tears! The dr said I might start to contract and have mild bleeding and my loose my mucus plug! Which I did, contractions started to come here and there and got worse the more I got up and moved. The bleeding started shortly after that. And my plug came out. I was so excited my contractions became regular and closer together but not really that strong I could still breath though them or walk! That was a Friday. So Saturday comes and my contractions are still about 3 minutes apart but not too intense! So I continued on with my day till about 6 pm and I was in so much pain that I wanted to go to the hospital. So I called them to let them know we were coming! I was admitted at 7 pm that night! I walked, sat in the jetted tub, birthing ball and my cervix was still at a three!! So 8 am rolls around and dr wants to start potosin!! I had definitely changed my mind about and epidural lol I wanted one sooo bad! About an hour in to my potosin (which was living hell!!!) I got my epidural! After that it was heaven! Around 4 pm I was 8 cm dialated and my water had just broken!! And at 5:51 pm my daughter was out!! I pushed for about 30 or 40 minutes!! The most amazing experience!! I cried and so did my fiancé!! Lillian Elizabeth weighing in at 7lbs and 6ozs and 19 inches long!! She is about almost two weeks old! Had her October 9th two days after my due date!