1st Ultra Sound


I was extremely excited to see my little bear yesterday and since it was my only day off I was lucky enough to squeeze in a same-day appointment at my OBGYN. While I waited about an hour for my appointment I had a lot of thinking to do. For example, my past 2 pregnancies that I have miscarried, having to be diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism, and what I'll have the chance to do to prepare before the baby pops out. Didn't want to get my hopes up to much since it seems as though it was easy for me to conceive but hard for my body to carry. After another hour passed waiting for my insurance to clear and going through procedural 'can' and 'cannot'...I finally got to see a Doctor for my first ultra sound. We found the amniotic sac which looked like a growing bubble with no sign of a baby anywhere...nowhere.

My Doctor said that it could be because I am still early in the pregnancy..that I should still do my blood work and a follow up appointment. I just gave her that look of hope that drained my face...there is no baby..my body still thinks it is pregnant..and my thyroid is responsible for it. Spoke with a lady over the phone whose like a mother and a mentor who was able to install hope for a baby in the future. And you know, it's not that I feel like I will never be able to have children but it is the fact that I still can and will not stop trying. So in other words, God will let me know when I am ready. He's got the magic. Lol

Anyway, I just wanted to share my posts and find similarities with more women like me who deserves to have their experiences shared and known.