

Hi, I posted this earlier but not many people have seemed to see it, and I really need the advice.

I'm 15, and my current boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. His friends all tell me he's in love with me, and my friends see it too, so I'm not too worried about him. But, there's this girl in his English class that seems to like him and is flirting with him. I'm not sure if she actually does, but she looks like she does. Maybe its because we haven't been able to spend time together often, lately, but I'm a little worried. He doesn't act any differently toward me, so I'm okay there. I trust him with everything I am, and he trusts me, but I don't want it ending up being like how we got together.

He liked me before getting into a relationship with another girl, whom we're very good friends with now. But, since he didn't think I liked him back, he got into the relationship because he figured he wouldn't have a chance with me. Then, he worked up courage to start flirting with me. About 3 months later and we were together. We knew each other for about 2 years before we got together. I just don't want to be in the position his ex was in.


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