im bad at riding dick๐Ÿ˜ณ

I want to be able to blow my boyfriends mind but whenever I go on top, it's only for like 30 seconds and then he's flipping me over. I've tried spicing it up and like riding him backwards, which is so fun ladies if you haven't tried it, I like to twerk on his dick cause A. It feels so good. B. He gets to stare at my ass as I twerk on his dick duhh. C. You get to pretend you're in a music video twerkin on that dick lol. But I don't think I'm good at it and I want to make my guys eyes roll to the back of his head. Any tips???

11.9k views โ€ข 25 upvotes โ€ข 42 comments



Posted at
May I suggest, when he's not around look at some porn. If you don't mind watching that, and look how the women do it. Try to imitate it as you watch it then also let him know this. Hey babe I'm not good at riding but I wanna try and he can help you. Guys won't know unless you tell them. Now if I had a man I'd follow my own damn advice๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‘


Brianna โ€ข Oct 31, 2016
Girl take her advice! I was too shy and scared and sucked at it too but I decided I'd learn from some professionals and it worked! Now that's all he ever wants to do! ๐Ÿ˜‚


Posted at
The first and most important tip to riding dick Is to ride it like your the best in the world it's a dick so get flexible go in circles ride him like you want to ride his dick off he'll love it grab your boobs grab his chest if he tries to flip you over thorw him down and do better I find that bouncing on their dick *slamming* is very sensational for them you have to stay active to keep them interested don't stop to breathe or act cute fuck him like you mean it and that's what matters cause that's what they do for us 


Posted at
Yooo lol I thought I was the only one. I don't like riding dick for 1! I cannot cum that way nd it hurts my damn legs too. Don't let me be buzzed oh hell no I'm really not riding๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Posted at
I hate getting on top because I cum too quick


Velenie โ€ข May 30, 2017
@summer same! ๐Ÿ˜‚


Shelley โ€ข May 6, 2017
I wish I had this problem ๐Ÿ™„


Posted at
Omg same I've been with my husband 4 years and I've been on top 3 times... no longer than 1 minute and he just flips me over. Ugh it's so damn frustrating lol 


Elizabeth โ€ข Jul 12, 2017
Same! I think it's because he will cum too quickly if I am


Posted at
So here's what works for me! Once I'm on top and his dick is inside me, I rest the tops of my feet on his legs so all of my weight is on my knees. I then get leverage off of his legs using the top of my feet/shins and I can ride for as long as I want to without getting tired. It's awesome. Otherwise I'm winded really fast or my thighs end up burnin'! Another option is to just grind forward and back with his dick in you instead of up and down. Doesn't feel as good for him but will feel INCREDIBLE for you. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ


Ka โ€ข Jul 12, 2017
I should have said I rest the top of my feet on his thighs / above his knees


Posted at
Maybe you're so good he wants to be in charge. I say just tell him you want to be on top say you wanna finish on top. Or tie up his hands and say you wanna be in control for a bit 


Posted at
Honestly my husband is average sized and I have thick thighs and a big butt so that doesn't help much. When I'm on top he slides out a lot when I start to get some rhythm. He has said it feels better when I "bounce" on him but one bad move and his dick is getting fractured. Not to mention I'm not a pornstar, and that hurts my boobs hella bad. Personally I feel like guys get so used to masturbating and feeling things a certain way and when you're on top your hips open and it feels different and they are impatient. It's a different angle when you are on top! 


Dontcareboutyourbullshit ๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผ โ€ข Jul 13, 2017
Dick is getting fractured ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜–


Markena โ€ข Jul 10, 2017
Iโ€™m with you - my baby is big/ wide to straggle so I feel like my movement is limited and my thighs are on the thick side so keeping him and is struggle enough and getting the motion good enough so he doesnโ€™t seem board is damn near impossible I feel like. And when he looks so board i feel like heโ€™s looking at all my rolls ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Posted at
What I do is slide down slowly. Then grind on it. Sometimes I move my hips in circles or more to one side. I also lean forward more and slowly go up and down on the tip a few times then slide all the way down. My husband loves this! 


Posted at
I practiced with a dildo honestly. Propped it on the floor and went at it and it helped a lot. Also twerking to music helps! Also just having open and honest communication with your partner about it and saying you want to get better at it helps a LOT. The only way i got good at it was by being with my s/o!